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Japan Airlines is launch customer for new load planning solution from Lufthansa Systems

Japan Airlines (JAL) is the first customer to optimize its load planning processes with NetLine/Load, the new weight & balance solution from Lufthansa Systems. The airline completely replaced its old in-house system and migrated to the new system in a single step. After a collaborative implementation phase and a smooth transition to the new system, JAL can now look forward to at least five years of highly efficient load planning, lower fuel costs and greater flexibility thanks to increased loading capacity in its daily flight operations. 
��During the very first days of live operations with NetLine/Load, we recorded a drastic increase of productivity in our operations center in Haneda,�� explained Said Kiyoshi Marukawa, Executive Officer, Airport Operations at Japan Airlines. "NetLine/Load makes our handling processes much more efficient. This is an important element of our future operational strength which will benefit both our passengers and our employees. We will achieve this by minimizing manual processing steps to prevent flight delays and miscalculations.��
With NetLine/Load, JAL can process around 1,000 flights daily and optimize the distribution of baggage and cargo on board its aircraft, resulting in a higher payload. The system therefore generates greater revenue potential, and it will lower fuel consumption through optimized load planning processes. The solution is easy to use for load planners thanks to its graphical user interface and, in particular, its high degree of automation. The supplemental WebAccess module makes it possible for loading agents to transmit operational loading information to the load control center in a simple and standardized way.
��The agreement with JAL is an important step towards strengthening our position in Japan. We are delighted that the airline will benefit from our years of weight & balance experience thanks to this new system, which delivers both economic and operational improvements," said Olivier Kr��ger, SVP Regional Management Asia/Pacific  at Lufthansa Systems.

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